You can find and see this items in our store here in the UK and we have our branches in USA and CANADA.
The items are brand new sealed/unlock and has its full accessories.
Here is our number to call on.+447035923267.
We have no problem with your location,cos we are going to ship out to your address at philippines,which will only take just 2-3 working days to delivered.
Email us your full delivery address and full order for your items to be package and labeled for shipment.
may i know the prices of ipod touch 8g,16g, and 32g?...with their corresponding taxes and shipping fees....if you have stocks?, how much is one iphone 3g now, including all charges?...and how about the payment?...thanks
where can we find or see the items?..genuine products?...any contact numbers?....i'm here in the philippines......please reply...thanks
From: alex carlos Guest /Nov 5, 2008 permalink reply (2)
You can find and see this items in our store here in the UK and we have our branches in USA and CANADA.
The items are brand new sealed/unlock and has its full accessories.
Here is our number to call on.+447035923267.
We have no problem with your location,cos we are going to ship out to your address at philippines,which will only take just 2-3 working days to delivered.
Email us your full delivery address and full order for your items to be package and labeled for shipment.
From: Gary Guest /Nov 5, 2008 permalink reply
From: alex carlos Guest /Nov 6, 2008 permalink reply